Codes and Standards Task Group Mission Statement: Work to ensure that ASA members can produce and distribute products in a fair and open marketplace free of unreasonable restrictions and ensuring codes and standards adequately protect public health and safety by advocating ASA’s position in all codes and standards activities. Objectives & Responsibilities: Review all codes and standards activities directly related to the scope of the task group and when appropriate, develop positions on the activities that have a direct impact on the ability of ASA members to produce and distribute products in the marketplace. Submit semi-annual reports to the Advocacy Council related to activities and positions taken by the task group and provide recommendations to the Council at a strategic level. Develop new/updated codes and standards positions within the scope of the Task Group and that are consistent with existing ASA positions already approved by the ASA Executive Committee. Assist the Staff Liaison, when requested, to develop ASA member communications that promotes the value that ASA provides its members related to codes and standards activities. Ensure that all meetings and discussions of the Task Group are conducted in a manner compliant with the ASA Anti-trust Guidelines. Will report to the Advocacy Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Government Affairs Task Group Mission Statement: Build ASA's capacity to advocate for sound government policy impacting the PHCP & PVF industry by educating and engaging members and industry partners in understanding critical issues impacting the industry and supporting ASA's efforts to influence those policies at the local, state, and national levels. Objectives & Responsibilities: Monitor critical legislative and regulatory issues at the national, state, and local levels impacting members and develop positions on the most critical issues. Educate key audiences including members, potential members, government, and customer groups on the impact of these issues. Educate elected officials and candidates on the importance the industry plays in the nation's infrastructure and health of residents. Engage all industry partners into the ASA advocacy process through formal meetings with elected officials. Research best practices that will enhance the value of programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Develop positions on key issues and gain approval by the association's leadership. Will report to the Advocacy Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Political Action Task Group Mission Statement: Identify and help elect candidates for federal office that will be responsive to the issues impacting the interests of the PHCP/ PVF industry by engaging a growing list of authorized active members into the political process. Objectives & Responsibilities: Educate, engage, and expand the number of members authorized and giving to the ASA PAC to strengthen our ability to support more pro-industry candidates. Identify and contribute to incumbent and challenger candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who support positions of importance to industry as well as positions that give association members the ability to operate freely and profitably. Provide visibility and credibility to the ASA Political Action Committee through a large and vigorous fundraising program. Research best practices that will enhance the value of programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Advocacy Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Business Intelligence Task Group Mission Statement: Provide ASA members with relevant business intelligence content, tools, and programs that drives enhanced operational awareness, performance, and the ability to make sound data driven decisions to enhance members success. Objectives & Responsibilities: Observe/investigate best practices that will enhance the value of ASA programs and incorporate those ideas into our programs of business intelligence tools. Strengthen business intelligence tools that will provide members the most relevant key performance indicators that support their decision making and strategic changes. Survey members on the value of current association business intelligence offerings and work to offer a suite of tools that offer the greatest value to support members decision making. Provide additional content, tools, and programs to support members as identified by the Strategic Council. Will report to the Operational Excellence Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
CONNECT Task Group Mission Statement: To connect the PHCP/PVF industry's key employees in vital job roles to share best practices and solutions to problems and common challenges that will enable these industry professionals to succeed. Objectives & Responsibilities: Develop solutions to common challenges through online facilitated interaction with peers of the same job function. Provide an efficient, exclusive, and economical online forum for professionals to build relationships with their peers. Create value for association members by building deeper relationships among ASA members and their key staff. Research best practices used that will enhance the value of programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Operational Excellence Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
NETWORK Task Group Mission Statement: Provide an annual forum for member companies, their teams, and other industry leaders with exceptional experiences and a vibrant community for unparalleled networking and educational opportunities that make attendees and their organizations more successful. Objectives & Responsibilities: Develop and deliver unparalleled seminars, panel discussions, and other in-person educational sessions of great importance to attendees. Create and offer unparalleled networking opportunities designed to give attendees ways to connect, learn, and advance their businesses and careers. Build an open exchange of best practice sharing, supporting the enhancement of member capabilities and industry developments. Research best practices used in other industries that will enhance the value of NETWORK programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Operational Excellence Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Virtual Education & Webinar Task Group Mission Statement: Enhance the ability of ASA members and their employees to succeed and navigate change through a robust on-line educational platform of webinars and virtual sessions on topics timely to the industry. Objectives & Responsibilities: Foster a digital community that engages everyone in continuous learning, communication, and collaboration. Offer unique programs to members and their key employees that will enhance the role they are in and position them for the role they want. Keep offerings relevant by surveying members to identify those issues most relevant to them and their team. Research best practice that will enhance the value of our educational webinars and sessions and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Operational Excellence Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Product Data Standardization Task Group Mission Statement: Coming soon. Objectives & Responsibilities: Coming soon.
Cyber Security Trends and Best Practices Task Group Mission Statement: Coming soon. Objectives & Responsibilities: Coming soon.
Digitization and Customer Intelligence Task Group (CRM) Mission Statement: Coming soon. Objectives & Responsibilities: Coming soon.
Practical AI and Chat GPT Use Cases Task Group Mission Statement: Coming soon. Objectives & Responsibilities: Coming soon.
ASA University Task Group Mission Statement: To ensure that ASA members' employees have the skills and knowledge to effectively perform their roles in all aspects of their business. Objectives & Responsibilities: Build recognition that ASA University is the standard by which employees are measured. Define and promote the University and its training standards through member case studies and other recognition that builds the awareness of the University. Develop high quality proprietary content with regular updates of existing courses and program content. In addition, expand the program offerings to include relevant manufacturer training, HR practices, product knowledge in areas such as HVAC, Electrical, Water Works, Safety, etc. Research best practices that will enhance the value of programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Embracing the Future Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
EF Investment Advisory Task Group Mission Statement: Oversee the management and investment policy of the Education Endowment Fund to provide a return sufficient to supplement the long-term mission of the Education Foundation and strategic task groups. Objectives & Responsibilities: Fulfill responsibilities set forth in the Investment Policy Statement as approved by the Workforce Development Strategic Council. Make recommendations to the Workforce Development Strategic Council regarding the creation and execution of policy, procedures, investment, and expenditure of the Endowment Fund. Undertake such other activities relating to the investment of the Foundation's assets as requested by the Workforce Development Strategic Council. Establish asset allocation policy; investment objectives; and investment restrictions consistent with the investment strategy, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, which the investment advisor(s) can use in formulating investment decisions. Regularly review both the investment policies and effectiveness of the investment advisor to ensure that it reflects the investment objectives and success of the Neupert Endowment Fund. Will report quarterly updates to the Workforce Development Strategic Council and the association leadership. This Task Group shall have authority to select qualified investment advisor(s), to monitor their performance on a regular basis, and to take action to replace an investment advisor as the committee deems appropriate.
MDM Task Group Mission Statement: Build and deliver a comprehensive leadership development offering that improves the management effectiveness of key employees through the execution of focused leadership training, relationship building, and project implementation. Objectives & Responsibilities: Continually review and revise the current MDM offering and make the necessary changes to enhance the programs appeal, value, and effectiveness. Research best practices that will enhance the value of programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Build awareness, excitement, and engagement among member companies and their key team members that will gain strong benefit from the program. Seek viable business partners that will support our leadership development value of the program. Will report to the Workforce Development Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Project TALENT Task Group Mission Statement: Increase the number of talented workers taking advantage of attractive career opportunities in the PHCP/PVF Industry by conducting a multi-facetted campaign to brand our industry as an exciting and innovative area to start, build, and develop a career thereby creating increased employment inquiries/applications for our members. Objectives & Responsibilities: Build and maintain a strong recruitment brand identity to promote our industry and to help support our member's recruitment efforts. Leverage the power of social media communities to elevate the profile of our industry and promote its extensive career opportunities and benefits of working for an ASA member. Provide our members with a wide-ranging e-cloud-based “recruiter's toolbox” inclusive of branded brochures, posters, flyers, an “Industry” stock photo library, logos, other digital assets in multiple formats, social media ad samples/templates, web banners, HTML email templates, employee referral program templates, and more. Provide best practices and resources for recruitment to enable movement of high potential individuals. Raise awareness of the importance of employee retention and recognition to members and promote continual training of the workforce as a tool for retention. Research best practices that will enhance the value of our talent programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Workforce Development Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Safety Task Group Mission Statement: Create and support a culture of safety among our members, their employees, and industry participants that will minimize the frequency and severity of accidents and to identify corrective measures needed to eliminate or control recognized safety hazards. Objectives & Responsibilities: Evaluate the safety needs of the industry. Identify the most cited safety hazards and develop/deliver resources that will improve the health and safety of our members' employees. Provide safety awareness among member firms through published articles, webinars, and other educational efforts. Spotlight and encourage member focus on safety through engaging members in the annual Safety Awards recognition program. Research best practices that will enhance the value of safety programs and incorporate those ideas that add value. Will report to the Workforce Development Strategic Council on their objectives at the beginning of the year and on their accomplishments at the end of the year. Additional meetings and reports to the Strategic Council will be conducted as needed.
Women In Industry Social Sub-Committee Mission Statement: The WII Social Committee will provide unique and fun ways for members of the division to stay engaged and connected virtually throughout the year.
Women In Industry Education Sub-Committee Mission Statement: The WII Education Committee will lead efforts to provide thought provoking educational content through multifaceted outlets such as webinars, townhall panels, and published articles focused on the special interest of women in the industry.
Women In Industry Membership Sub-Committee Mission Statement: The WII Membership Committee will lead efforts to expand awareness about the division and to expand participation and engagement among ASA membership classes in the activities of the division.