Operating Performance Report
The American Supply Association Operating Performance Report provides the most comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date financial and operational data for the PHCP (plumbing, heating, cooling, and piping) and PVF (pipe, valve, and fitting) wholesale distribution industries. This annual report offers valuable insights and easy to understand guidelines to help businesses identify performance improvement opportunities and benchmark against industry standards.
The Operating Performance Report (OPR) is prepared by Industry Insights while working closely with ASA staff. Confidential survey forms are sent to ASA members and the final sample of responses are compiled and included in this industry-wide aggregation, which is consistent to that of prior years. The information in this report represents one of the largest databases of respondents among any wholesale/distribution industry.
The OPR features comparative financial ratios and statistics categorized by firm type, sales volume, and high-profit firms. Additionally, each year a historical trend analysis of past operating performance surveys is conducted to identify shifts in the industry, providing critical insights into evolving market conditions and future opportunities.
For archived issues, contact ASA.