Distro AutoBid AutoBid automatically processes RFQs, Bid Lists and POs. It can decipher quote requests in any format—from raw emails and Excel files, to PDFs and handwritten notes.
Distro RepBot This AI-driven internal chat agent offers immediate, conversational access to an extensive set of internal and external data and functionality, allowing reps to instantly get product and customer information, get cross-references, match systems, and generate quotes.
Distro QuoteTech Built for complex sales like Commercial Refrigeration and Commercial HVAC, this tool automates system-level quoting with customizable forms, chatbots, and a unique product-matching algorithm—delivering precise quotes straight to your ERP and customers.
Distro CustomerBot This AI-powered ecommerce co-pilot gives contractors instant access to orders, shipments, distributor info, and personalized product recommendations.
Custom AI Solutions Our team is dedicated to understanding your distribution business's unique challenges and opportunities. We develop bespoke AI solutions that are perfectly aligned with your goals, driving efficiency and innovation in your operations.