The primary reason why independent manufacturers' representatives join ASA and its regional affiliates is to support the organizations that advance the PHCP-PVF supply chain and connect them with the industry's leading manufacturers and wholesaler-distributors in territories across the U.S. in ways proven to strengthen their partnerships and relationships with one another.
Since January 1, 2014, independent manufacturer representatives that join and maintain corporate membership in any one of ASA's independent regional affiliates are automatically enrolled as active members in ASA; two memberships for the price of one.
Learn more about ASA's independent regional affiliates and identify the local organization in your market area(s).
Independent manufacturers' representatives that primarily service territories that fall outside of the geographic boundaries of ASA's independent regional affiliates (AK, AZ, CA [excluding north of Fresno, CA], CO, CT, DE, DC, ME, MD, MA, HI, ID, IL, northwest IN, IA, KS, MI [upper peninsula], MN, MO, MT, NE, southern NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, ND, OK, OR, PA [excluding western PA], RI, SD, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI and WY) are encouraged to join ASA directly.
ASA’s vendor members have access to nearly all of the same programs, services and opportunities as the wholesaler-distributor members. Yet, the value that independent manufacturers’ representatives derive from their sustained membership and participation benefits them uniquely. Please contact Mike Miazga at (630) 467-0000 ext. 204 or to learn more about how your company will benefit from its sustained membership support and participation.
Download your membership application form.